30 March 2012

Pineapple Bellpull - Part 2 Complete

Pineapple Bellpull

Here is my progress on the Pineapple Bellpull.  Parts one and two are complete with minor variations.  I am not using the metallic and I stitched the verse in full cross stitch rather than tent.  Yes, it would have gone much faster --- but --- I didn't look at the specific instructions on the verse and by the time I realized that the stitch was supposed to be tent the section above the lady was almost done.  To keep it balanced, I continued with full crosses.  The next pineapple will be bargello -- love it!!

22 March 2012

Chaos Continues with block 10 and Seasons Winter XS

Block 10 - Christmas Potpourri

Over the weekend I completed another block in the Christmas Chaos quilt.  The fabrics are waiting to be starched and pressed for blocks 11 and 12.


During the week, I spent my stitching time with SK Seasons Winter.  This is a pretty slow go.... much threading and re-threading with the constant color changes.  I don't do well with cross country stitching but it might be a faster technique.   It sounds like I'm whining but not so -- I am enjoying the project.

14 March 2012

Christmas Chaos aka Christmas Potpourri BOM Quilt

Yeah!!  Two more blocks -- 8 & 9 -- for the Christmas BOM are complete.

Block 8

Block 9

What a fun project this is -- but -- it is so unbelievably busy I have renamed it "Christmas Chaos".  Fabrics for block 10 are drying and I'm hoping to finish the quilt top before Easter.... maybe.

10 March 2012

Another Xmas Quilt Block

I just finished block number seven of the Christmas Potpourri BOM!  The fabric for block 8 is drying and I hope to have it ready to go today.

The block would have been done sooner if I hadn't be sidetracked by my HAED project SK Seasons Winter.  It was stitch-a-long week and I got about 500 or so stitches in.  At this rate it will be finished ... yikes ... I don't want to think about it!

SK Seasons Winter at about 10%

I have been working on an order for a new floor stand and scroll frame set from Needle Needs in the UK.  I promised myself that I would place the order as soon as I finished block 7 --- off I went and the item I want went out of stock.  How sad is that??  I hope they have it available again soon.

02 March 2012

The best laid plans....

ok, that might be a bit of a stretch.

Once again, I spent far too much time wandering the HAED website relentlessly -- this time,  trying to decide how best to take advantage of the leap year sale.  I had the six Cluny tapestry reproduction charts in my cart at least four times but decided against them ... for now.  This is one of my favorite HAED's  --

The photo is from the Heaven and Earth Designs website -- art by K. Craft

No idea when I will start stitching this but for now it's -- mine, mine, mine.


Pineapple Bellpull design by B. Jackson for Fine Lines

I am enjoying stitching the Pineapple Bellpull.  I was expecting to have completed the great lady and more,  however -- see above.  The verse was the start of part 2 of 4 -- rather than using tent, I stitched the verse as complete cross stitches.