26 February 2011

Needlepoint Ornaments

Ornament Club - February

Despite my great intentions to work on projects that I already have, I couldn't help myself ... I signed up for the monthly ornament club at my local shop - Family Arts.  Each month we receive a needlepoint kit that includes a super cute canvas from Associated Talents.

The canvases are fairy small -- the design size is about 3.25 by 2.75 inches.


24 February 2011

Gleneagle Needlepoint - The End

Gleneagle - Completed 20 February 11

Here is the final photo of Gleneagle.  This was my first Jean Hilton project and it was all that I had expected ... I was challenged and had fun.

What's next??

19 February 2011

Gleneagle Needlepoint Stitching

When I started Gleneagle (19 December 2010) my goal was to be finished by the end of March.  I thought that was optimistic.  As I stitched, I got more than a little obsessed and most of my free time went to working on this project.  I hope to finish the border (and put in a round of slanted gobelin) this weekend.

Here are the photos -- along with my stitching changes and missteps -- for the last six patches:

Spider Patch

Another fun patch -- yes, they are all fun!!  I worked this very much as directed.  The multi-colored Cross & Tuck left a little too much canvas showing on the right edges where it meets the Sprat's Head so I added a row of backstitch to each section.   In the corners I went with a framed scotch in place of French knots or Rhodes, the Milanese is 8 strands of floss and not 10 as suggested. Last, when working the Double Tied outer border I started the gobelin one thread closer to the Sprat's on each side and stitched the basketweave in the same direction in an effort to eliminate exposed canvas.

I have never been a fan of the Spider stitch with the raised spokes  and have always wrapped the opposite direction to make it smooth.  Glad I went with Ms. Hilton's directions.  Love it!

Walento Patch

This patch was stitched without any changes, only some color adjustments.  With only 3 perles for color group A, I used the accent to make up the difference in the shading.  The center did cave in a bit from the basketweave going in different directions, oh well.  Still, it looks great!

Pinwheel Patch

Another fabulous finish!  The only change I made was to mirror image the diagonal cashmere -- all else was as directed.

Eyelet Patch

The Eyelet Patch is very straight forward.  The only change I made was with the Tied Mosaic -- I used 2 strands of floss rather than 3.

Rice Patch

For the Rice Patch, the instructions for the corner triangles include dark A but I didn't want it to be quite that busy so I substituted dark B to quiet it down.  I also lightened up the half scotches from dark A to light A.  The diamond shape surrounding the center waffle was done with one strand of #5 border perle in four way continental.

Beware!! The chart does not have the placement of the center waffle in the center.

Star Patch

I had done a good bit of ripping and re-stitching by the time I started the Star Patch - my last patch.  I changed the colors to use what I had left.  The Jessicas are done in #3 perle... #5 just looked wimpy.  The center is a mistake stitch variation.... or .... actually a variation of the variation.  I put the center stitch in a couple of times and could not make it look like the photo.  The last attempt came out exactly the same as the first two, so I left it in and filled the center with basketweave.  Ditto on the Jessicas.

Thread Summary:

There will be ample #5 border perle to finish the border and include a row of slanted gobelin over two.
I ran out of #3 border perle and needed two additonal skeins.
I ran out of B dark - my fault due to ripping / re-stitching.
Accent perle - one full skein plus remains.
All other perle was sufficient with no full skeins left.
Floss --all A and B floss have between 2 and 4 full skeins unused.